
June 1st, 2018

Website Changes

Our classroom websites are changing! Please be sure to check back often for the newest going-ons of our classroom!

Please add all outdated announcements to this page when replacing them on the main page

March 2018 Events & Reminders

by Ms. Boi, Elementary Director


Student Dress Code-Dec 2017updated.pdf

February 1st, 2017

Monthly Reminders

Please remember that there will be no computer classes this month in an effort to think green and be energy efficient.

We will be going on a field trip to the Museum of Technology to explore the history of how our technology is today and how we can be environmentally conscious while also keeping up with the ever changing advances of scientific knowledge.

Please go to our form to sign up to chaperone on this highly anticipated field trip. The form will close after we reach our needed number of chaperones.

Please add all outdated announcements to this page when replacing them on the main page

January 1st, 2017

Monthly Reminders

Click on the file at right to view.

reminders-January 2017.pdf